Cooking Capers

For the love of making a mess, buying kitchen gadgets...and occassionally making something that tastes good.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Ke Ke

My sister-in-law and family were over for Easter. She saw our large collection of alcohol and exclaimed she had never seen anyone with more booze than she had. Not sure if that makes us boozers or not, but we certainly enjoy it.

I've been playing with a forgotten, experimental purchase: Ke Ke Beach key lime liqueur, a creamy lime flavored liqueur. I don't care for it straight up, but it's good with vodka on the rocks, and awesome with orange juice - like a citrus creamsicle. Great for dessert or with brunch. And it's green, suitable for St. Patrick's Day festivities. I've yet to try it with rum and also with melon liqueur.


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